(0.1 * 365 * 24) / 2001 = 0.44 hours (about 26 mins) + 1 5mins to account for acceleration = About 41 minutes to reach client The estimate to account for acceleration should never be over 15 minutes if the client is in deep space. The ( really) rough estimate to account for acceleration could be as follows: ( distance in LS / 60m / 60s ) / 2001c = hours of travel + rough estimate to account for acceleration to max speed. You can calculate an approximate time for distances measured in LY using this formula: In really bad cases, the client may find himself lightyears from the mainstar.

CLIENT DISTANCE MEASURED IN LIGHTYEARSĮvery now and then, a Cmdr falls asleep in supercruise and wakes up to flashing red lights and a drained and shutdown ship on lifesupport. If you are traveling from one gravity source to another over a great distance, (For example going from Alpha Centauri to Proxima Centauri) you can use !sctime -g and Mecha will adjust its estimate accordingly.

If you plan to use these estimates to determine if a client on an oxygen timer needs to be logged out, it is best to assume a longer travel time than the estimate given to you, and be better safe than sorry.
#Elite dangerous hyper space drop full

Though this page is still a great resource if you need a quick overview of supercruise times. It is recommended to use this for calculating supercruise distances as it will give a more accurate result than the rough estimates on this page. MechaSqueak now has a built-in command for calculating travel times in super cruise.